World Martial Arts has many families training together. It is a fun way to extend the old adage that "Families who eat together, stay together", and especially important since the occurrence of family meals is down by 33% and they tend to last on average a mere 15 minutes! The majority of parents who train started after their children, so you will see sons and daughters with higher ranking belts than their parents, which is a great motivator for all involved!

We are a community of friends, training partners, mentors and supporters. In short, we are the village! Our school philosophy is developing the whole person, and families will find that especially appealing as the health benefits and life altering outcomes of HapKiDo training become apparent in their daily lives (and at the dinner table).

Also make sure you are signed up for our monthly newsletter and announcements via email so you stay up to date on Promotion Tests, Events and Workshops. 

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